Dear delegate,
We heartily welcome you to the ‘ World Parliament 2019’, which will be held between 2nd October and 4th Oct 2019 at the World Peace Dome, VishwaRaj Baug, Loni Kalbhor, Pune, India.
In order to facilitate your visit and to make it as memorable and hassle free as possible, please go through this brochure created to ease your visit.
Please visit our website at https://www.worldparliament2019.com/ for event related information and feel free to contact us at https://www.worldparliament2019.com/ with any queries you have regarding the event.
You can also reach us at 020-7118 3970.
The registration is completely free.
The registration for this event will happen exclusively online. To register for this event, please visit https://www.worldparliament2019.com/registration and enter your relevant details on the page.
It is mandatory to carry a government issued ID card with you for us to confirm your identity.
We will be providing excellent vegetarian food for all our participants. Meal vouchers (excluding dinner) will be provided at the venue against your registration.
Please refer to the following link to understand how to reach the World Parliament 2019 venue.
To understand the vision, mission and objectives of the parliament, please refer to https://www.worldparliament2019.com/session-information. This will give you a clear idea about the goals as well as viability of the world parliament 2019 in complete detail.
Please visit https://www.worldparliament2019.com/conference-scheule to view each day’s itinerary at the conference as well as its themes.
We are happy to inform you that the highlights of this event will be available on twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and on our official site. You are encouraged to share your own message and memories from the event on any of these media channels. Given below is a list of hash tags which we are using for the event.
Facebook –
LinkedIn –
Twitter –
Official site –
There will be multiple student volunteers available throughout the conference venue, on all days and at all times. Please feel free to contact them for any aid that you may require.
Participants attending the conference are required to be dressed either in Western or Indian formal attire.
Please note that the MIT, RajBaug Campus is strictly vegetarian and has a zero tolerance policy against tobacco and alcohol products on campus.