10th World Parliament of Science, Religion and Philosophy - 2024
Thursday, 3rd October 2024 to Saturday, 5th October 2024
World Peace Dome, Loni University, Pune, Bharat
Program Schedule
Day 1 : Thursday, 3 October 2024
09:15 - 11:30 am
Role of Heads of Nation States – political leaders in minimizing the chaos, confusion, bloodshed, terrorism, massacre and horrifying violence prevailing in the world to promote the “Culture of Peace” for the wellbeing of the entire humanity.
11:30 - 11:45 pm
11:45 - 01:30 pm
Keynote Address- The Concept and Role of Religion – “Divine Blessing Ceremony” by the most Respected and Revered Heads of World Religions.
01:30 - 02:30 pm
02:30 - 04:00 pm
Need to harmonize Science, Spirituality and Philosophy for World Peace.
04:00 - 04:30 pm
04:30 - 06:15 pm
The universal word , - Aum, Yoga, Vipashyana, Namaz, Prayer and Meditation etc. are the allied divine pathways to realize Culture of Peace in the World.

Creator and Architect of World's Biggest Dome
Rev. Prof. Dr. Vishwanath D. Karad

My dear friends,
You are fully aware that the entire world is passing through a tense and chaotic stage, even worse than what was experienced during the two world wars. The present one is also a war, war between good and evil, sacrifice and greed, virtues and vices, tolerance and stubbornness, religious co-existence and fundamentalism, traditional time-tested values and quick gains and ego, and so on. The various issues involved are not only local i.e. restricted to one’s own country, but are global as well.
The world is witnessing mind-boggling scientific and industrial developments like artificial intelligence, internet, IT, digital technology, robotics, journey to the outer space and what not on the one hand and on the other, unfortunately, there is total chaos, confusion, suspicion, terrorism, bloodshed, violence and massacre in the name of caste, creed, race, religion and trifle issues like boundaries of nations. The family system, which is vital for the survival of the mankind, is also on the rocks.
Presently known to be the largest dome in the world, the remarkable monument has a diameter of 160 feet. With only 24 pillars as the foundation, the structure can accommodate more than 3,000 people at any given time. Connecting back to the philosophy of Philosopher Sant Dnyaneshwara that the world we live in and perceive is not merely an illusion, but a manifestation of the ultimate reality/ the truth – the Almighty God, that lies beyond the perception of senses and the grasp of logic, the dome is an enlightened edifice in entirety.
The dome houses a library at the base and a prayer hall above, with 54 bronze statues of revered scholars, saints, scientists, philosophers and gurus. The library covers an unbelievable expanse of 62,500 sq. ft. and is a testament of the knowledge and wisdom that India as a country holds and disseminates. The center of the dome houses the meditation center, from where all the divine energy and positivity emanates. Eight grand pillars at the core represent the life-sustaining and enriching systems that propagate the core values of life and existence such as Yoga, Vipassana,